Thursday, February 22, 2007


Enia and I are doing well. WE are both sick so pray for us! I have an infection I think I mentioned but getting better. Enia has had a cough and sore throat but she will not miss school. Funny because a few years ago so would do anything to stay home. I have had a tutor come and teach for the last 3 years or so because they have so little school.

Because there are so many needing school they have 3 school times with 4 hour sessions. Morning, Mid-morning and afternoon, for older grades they have evening classes. I have seen how having a tutor has really helped...Enia has learned to love school and she is practicing very hard this year to improve her writing skills. I see her practicing all the time.

They teach cursive writing before printing and in 2ND grade she wants to get better at that. Pretty impressive!

I was so blessed by receiving letters and a package from home while in South Africa. Thanks so much for your encouraging letters and news from home as well as pictures. I was blessed with a ranch dressing packets and fajita seasonings and so I made fajitas while in South Africa. I can get things easier and it was so good!

Email Enia and I and let us know how you all are doing!

Angie and Enia

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