Saturday, March 24, 2007

Update Enia


Enia is doing much better today although I am making her stay in side, not running etc. she is not too happy about that but doing as mom says. Praise God it is a cooler day! Yesterday it was up to 102 degrees F for about an hour give or take.

Enia has also lost another tooth. Growing up fast she like losing teeth and getting in bigger ones. We all want to grow up too fast don't we. School is going well and Enia's writing is improving, I am so impressed at her desire to improve and set goals. I was really excited as she has accomplished this on her own, she asks for my help and listens but she has done this mostly herself.

Yes I am a proud mom!

We have heard that within the next 2 weeks we should have the date of our first hearing in regards to the adoption. Pray for us and for the Judge. I am praying all is dealt with in one session and we can get paperwork done and plan our trip home to the States.

Tentative plans for travel home are at the end of October/first part of November. It truly depends on the ending of the school year as Enia and Homeguito have exams. We are still planning and praying that Homeguito and Popo will be able to come home with us!

We love you and write when you can!!!!

Angie and Enia

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