Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Angie Family Update

As you can see blogging has not yet become a daily or even weekly thing for me. I really want to and try to but there is so much going on with ministry and family and then me time so my on my list of goals this year is to keep you more in the loop on what God is truly doing in our family.

Yesterday was Popinho's 2nd birthday! So hard to believe he is 2, not yet walking a bit lazy, although he is trying. He is talking a bit, and scoots all over the place.

Enia is 9 years old in 4th grade, loves school, loves her little brother and is a big help to mom. She is trying to balance her feelings of being Mozambican and American. She is a beautiful!

Homigueto is 11 and in 5th grade. An awesome young man and very smart. He has such a sweet personally, encorager and helper.

Popo is 24 years old, a big help to me with the kids and ministry! He will son be completeing his first Archecture Course and has won second course at the local University for 1 year 6 months PAID for!!!! He is very proud of himself and loves Jesus!

I am doing much better, earlier this year I was diagnosied with Rheumatiod Arthritis they are thinking this may have been due to the numerious times I have had malaria. There is no way to be certian but it seems to fit and make sence. I battle pain daily some days less than others but pain none the less. I am learning what I can and can't eat, what effects me and what does not. That is a hard thing here in Moz. because I can't seem to eat that much.

God is good and helping me walk through this and I know that I have many people praying for me and that makes a difference and is a blessings.

Much love ,
Angie and Family

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